BSS Exam 07.09.2018 8 Participants (2x Sehr Gut, 1x Genügend, Rest Gut) Written Part: Windkessel Effect Laplace Law Selectivity for Na+ and K+ ions Physiological Interpretation of QT Section in EKG Oral Participant No1: (Good) Frequency dependance of permeability E (relaxation frequency of water, which dispersion?) Why is the ST Interval 0 (exictation) ? Participant No2: (Good) Why are bilayer sensitive to temperature? + sketch of bilayer temperatures Difference primary and secondary sensing cells Participant No3: (?) Compartment model of tissue + sketch (Focus on cardiac activity) Why Mü_d proportional to I/I_0? Frequency / Chest piece Why do action potentials propagate only in one direction? Participant No4: (Very Good) What is a omsoceptor? What is the relation between PTT & Blood Pressure Participant No5: (?) Relation blood pressure and respiration (respiratory pump) difference ADelta-fibres and C-fibres Difference inner and outer hair cells Participant No6: (Satisfactory) Damping factors, Why 1/r? (unit of r); p = p_0 * e^-alpha*r; e^-alpha*r physical factor = 1; so r = [1/m] same with alpha What is Alpha? Is Alpha dependant on frequency ? Attrenuation of acoustic singals Participant No7: (Good) Transmitter controlled channels (sketch + why is it occuring? why attraction? because of KLK = charges and the structure) Condition of Valves to function/open Difference On-Off Cells Participant No8: (Good) How frequency is converted to Action Impulse in air why 500Hz? -> because of refractory time (absolute refractory time and relative refractory time) old people lose ability to learn high f and why not low f? why is this? P-Wave of ECG Referred Pain