# WS17 - User Research Methods - Lecture Outline 0. course admin 1. history: three waves of hci - first wave of HCI: human factors/engineering, ergonomics, optimise human-machine fit, maximise efficiency - second wave of HCI: cognitive revolution, information processing, mostly office-settings, behavioural science - third wave of HCI: situated perspectives, everything everywhere, creating opportunities, engaging, experiencing, connecting 1. paradigms - (post-)positivism - critical theory/transformative - constructivism/interpretivism 1. qualitative methods intro - ethnography - anthropology - ethnography for design - ethnographic methods - why / what can it contribute - types of ethnography - relevance to academic fields and industry - challenges - responsibilities - terminology 1. observations - when are they useful? - how to do them? - how to collect data? - into the field - deciding focus and approach - tools - things to pay attention to - challenges - reflective practice - data capture methods (pen & paper, digital notes, photos, audio, video, collected artefacts, sensor-based) - debriefing - bias - reporting strategies - memos 1. interviews - when are they useful? how to do them? what is difficult? how to collect data? - how useful? - types of interviews - unstructured interviews - semi-structured interviews - setting up - asking questions - questions: open vs closed, neutral vs oppinonated, simple vs complicated - best friend questions - mindfullness - closing - consent (forms) 1. group techniques - focus groups - fishbowl - barcamp - world cafe - breakout sessions - open space 1. other methods - online research, digital ethnography, social networks - experience sampling and diaries - probes - technology, cultural - auto-ethnography - sensor-based methods 1. ethics - virtue ethics - deontology - consequentialism - informed consent and consent forms - ethics boards - online research 1. analysis - preparation, e.g. transcribing - kinds of data - induction vs deduction - affinity mapping - grounded theory and coding - thematic analysis - coding tools 1. role of theory - why theories - various theories (activity theory, distributed cognition, ethnomethodology, phenomenology, embodied cognition, symbolic interactionism, critical theory, actor network theory) 1. surveys - quantitative or qualitative - common structure - types of questions - tipps for good questions - population sampling methods - analysis - tools 1. lab studies - where and when? - types of research / lab studies - usability testing 1. quantitative analysis - types of research/questions we can ask - descriptive statistics - relational questions - causal questions - proving causality - dependent and independent variables - experiment hypotheses and goals - participants - within- and between-subject design - experiment design - interpreting results - significance and effect sizes 1. towards design - why user research? - how to present results - academic papers - personas - storyboards - task descriptions and scenarios - hierarchical task analysis - contextual design - types of models (flow, sequence, physical, cultural, artefact) - visioning - storyboarding