TU Wien:Advanced Software Engineering VO (Bernhart Strobl Mordinyi)/Prüfung 2015-03-27

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ASE Prüfung vom 27.03.2015

  • Name and describe 4 properties of dependable software
  • Name and describe 4 properties of FOSS according to Bruce Parens
  • Describe Kanban (mit Skizze). What's the difference between Kanban and Scrum
  • Name 5 CI principles according to Marting Fowler
  • Name two setup approaches of CI. Name 4 tools used in CI
  • What is configuration management. Name 2 types
  • Difference between Design Pattern and Idiom? Is the Factory Pattern implemented in Java a pattern or an idiom? Argue why
  • Describe the Cathedral and the Bazar model (free software development) and give an example project for each
  • Der Satz in den Folien wo Bob Alice mit LRDD findet und ihren Feed aboniert. (LRDD, PubSubHubbub, ...) waren in Lücken einzusetzen
  • Noch ein paar Sachen die mir nichtmehr einfallen