TU Wien:Advanced Internet Computing VU (Dustdar)/Prüfung 2013-03-20

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60 Minuten Zeit. Die Antworten konnten entweder alle auf Englisch oder alle auf Deutsch geschrieben werden.
(Punkte nicht ganz sicher)

  1. (4 points) What are the problems when adopting SOA?
  2. (6 points) WS-MetadataExchange: What is it? Which information is typically exchanged? What specifications are used to describe this information? What protocols are used? Name the primitive operations of WS-MEX.
  3. (7 points) Describe elasticity in distributed computing. Provide an architectural diagram showing how to handle varying workloads. What are the main components that are needed in such a system?
  4. (5 points) How is Message Correlation implemented in WS-BPEL? What problem does it solve? Provide a sample process which uses message correlation.
  5. (4 points) Explain the principle of HATEOAS. Are SOAP-Webservices using the HATEOAS principle? Give a real-life example of HATEOAS.
  6. (7 points) Name and explain the BPEL constructs that are needed for the given BPEL-Process (simple, non-BPEL diagram was given). The process contained a loop which invokes three services in a sequence and one invocation of a fourth service after the loop. Given the response times and availability of the involved services, what is the process' response time and availability (SLA Aggregation)? The loop is executed max. 4 times and if a service responds (= is available) in the first loop iteration, it will be available in all loop iterations. Response times and availabilities were given for each of the services, the professor was not interested in the calculated results, but in the ways used to calculate them.
  7. (4 points) Describe the basic structure of JSON. Provide a non trivial example of JSON, which shows all relevant elements of JSON.
  8. (4 points) What are WS-Negotiation and WS-Meta-Negotiation?
  9. (4 points) A service provider guarantuees availability of 0,999. A client needs availability of at least 0,99. Are these compatible? What is the compliance interval? What is the optimal availability for the service provider that is still acceptable to the client?
  10. (4 points) What is the Universal business registry (UBR)? What was its original vision? Which specification is associated with UBR?