TU Wien:Advanced Software Engineering VO (Bernhart Strobl Mordinyi)/Prüfung 2013-03-22

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Prüfungsfragen von der VO-Prüfung 22.3.2013. Es waren 15 Fragen je 6 oder 7 Punkt und 5 Bonusfragen je 2 Punkte.

1. Difference Cathedral and Bazaar model

2. What is Model Driven Development? Advantages and objectives?

3. Concept of NFC + 1 Usecase

4. 3 business models of FOSS

5. Purpose of OSGi. What is OSGi?

6. What is an antipattern? Name 3 of them as well as 3 reasons why they emerge

7. Estimate the time effort in % of the total project time for the phases planning, analysis, coding, design, testing and argue why you did so?

8. Antipattern firedrill, symptoms and refactoring solutions

9. Explain context aware rules

10. Model an example of a routine (get up, turn on lights, make coffee)

11. What kind of quality checks shall be done at the closure of open issues?

12. Which human attitudes contribute to project failure?

13. Purpose of component based engineering

14. Attributes of complex system + 2 examples

15. ???


1. Explain Software ageing

2. Facebook, why is consistency not so important, use the CAP theorem to explain it

3. Difference error, fault and failure + an example to each of them

4. Define dependeble software

5. 5 reasons why to use configuration and version management in the software development process