TU Wien: Masterstudium Building Sciences and Environment
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↑ TU Wien/Architektur und Raumplanung
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Obligation: Pflichtfach
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- Algorithmic Evolutionary Design and Multi-criteria Evolutionary Optimization I VU (Vujovic)
- Algorithmic Evolutionary Design and Multi-criteria Evolutionary Optimization II VU (Bauer)
- Approaches to Sustainability Applied Methods VU (Pont)
- Building Materials and Mechanics of Structural Design Systems and Optimization VU (Bauer)
- Current Topics SE (Pont)
- Data-integrated Algorithmic Design Processes I VU (Vujovic)
- Data-integrated Algorithmic Design Processes II VU (Bauer)
- Evidence-Based Design Support VU (Vujovic)
- Fundamentals of Algorithmic Design VU (Hensel)
- Fundamentals of Building Physics and Performance Assessment VU (Pont)
- Fundamentals of Scientific Research VO (Pont)
- Fundamentals of Utilizing Data Sources VU (Hensel)
- Gender Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment VO (Manka)
- Instruments and Scientific Writing VU (Pont)
- Introduction to Reliability Theory of Constructions VO (Bauer)
- Introduction to scientific research - Einführung ins Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten VO (Pont)
- Mathematics and Physics VU (Steineder)
- Project Course UE (Pont)
- Sustainability and more Introduction to concepts aspects and current challenges in the sustainability discourse VO (Pont)
Obligation: Gebundenes Wahlfach
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- Advanced Methods in Structural Design Vaulted floor slabs VU (Bauer)
- Building Monitoring and Diagnostics VU (Schuß)
- Building Systems and Controls VU (Schuß)
- Diversity Aspects of Building Sciences and Environment VU (Wagner)
- Ethnographische Methoden für Architektur und Building Science VU (Pont)
- Vertiefungsseminar Building Sciences and Environment SE (Pont)
Obligation: Keine Angabe
Transferable Skills
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