Datei:TU Wien-Multimedia Interfaces VO (Kaufmann) - MMI Summary.pdf

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TU_Wien-Multimedia_Interfaces_VO_(Kaufmann)_-_MMI_Summary.pdf(Dateigröße: 1,16 MB, MIME-Typ: application/pdf)

Beschreibung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Summary of the most important parts (In my opinion). Mistakes are possible and please keep in mind it is only a (brief) summary and does not contain all information.


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Version vomMaßeBenutzerKommentar
aktuell16:04, 4. Feb. 2025 (1,16 MB) (Diskussion)Summary of the most important parts (In my opinion). Mistakes are possible and please keep in mind it is only a (brief) summary and does not contain all information. {{#attach:TU Wien:Multimedia Interfaces VO (Kaufmann)}}

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