TU Wien:Advanced Internet Computing VU (Dustdar)/Prüfung 2013-03-08

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main impression: surprisingly few old questions of old exams compared to previous years

  • Orchestration vs Choreography (only old question?)
  • HTML: what does the OPTIONS method do? what's a safe HTTP method?
  • No explicit questions about WSDL, BPEL, UDDI, SOAP, elasticities (though they could be applied to the use case, see below)
  • Use case (7 pts): Describe how and why you'd implement an architecture for surveillance camera processing in the cloud, e.g. using Amazon Web Services
  • Ahmdal's Law: give formula of max. theoretical speedup for given example, no need to calculate value (40% parallelizable, 5 threads for parallelizable part)
  • ESB, EAI, message exchange format questions (not in old exams?)
  • draw a diagram of two adapters between two applications (EAI? ESB?)
  • 5 multiple choice questions: is serverless corresponding to SaaS? low invocation depth in microservice architecture? etc
  • what are the advantages for a cloud provider of providing virtual machines instead of physical machines to clients?
    • as the lecturer mentioned during the exam, supposed to be answered for the cloud provider specifically, not just noting the advantages of virtualization in general

(this is about what i can remember)