TU Wien:Biokompatible Werkstoffe VO (Stampfl)/Exam 23.01.2024 written
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In general all the question were the common exam questions, just in written form.
- Fracture Toughness: Formula and calculation how much longer a crack can be in steel compared to glass. You needed to know the formula.
- Classification of material: bonds, morphology
- Polymers: bonds and why thermoplasts have such a low melting point
- Why thermal expansion coefficient for lower melting temperatures is higher than für higher melting temperatures (sketch binding energy over atomic distance)
- Definition: inorganic glass, ceramics, glass-ceramics and advantages and disadvantages of ceramics in dentistry
- Sketch common strain-sress curve and mark important points
- phase transformation of zirconia
- biocompatibility matrix what is it
- 4 wound healing stages and benefits of wound dressings
- Medical classes in EU: parameter, 1-2 examples each