TU Wien:Biomedical Instrumentation VU (Kaniusas)/Exam 2024-06-05

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1. Schematic drawing of a non-inverting OPA circuit. What is the gain, output/input resistance.

2. Mixed signal with DC, 50Hz and 10kHz. You want to filter 10kHz out. Which filter? Draw a circuit, give transfer function and a suitable cut-off frequency.

3. Heart current factor

4. Explain active shielding + drawing.

5. Conductive noise coupling in lead, electrode, body.

6. Tonometry blood pressure measuring method. And something about what needs to be looked for.

7. Synchronous pacemaker

8. Diathermy: a) Method for heating more fat than muscle b) heat more muscle than fat

9. 2 axes and first half is marked as inspiration the other as expiration. Draw the respiration waveform from the respiration belt on the first axis and the plethysmography (blood pressure wave) depending on the inspiration/expiration

10. How to measure velocity of action potential with micro-electronic area + give the specific value mm/s?

11. a) Where to place EMG electrode on a muscle and why is this position important. b) Targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR)

12. a) Draw a block diagram OR an electrical circuit of an ECG amplifier with right leg drive. b) How does the ECG signal looks like without the right leg drive