TU Wien:Einführung in die Künstliche Intelligenz VU (Eiter, Tompits)/Zusammenfassung
Intelligent Agents[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
- Rational agent
- For each possible percept history, select an action that is expected to maximize its performance measure, given the evidence by the percept history and whatever built-in knowledge the agent has.
- Performance measure, Environment, Actuators, Sensors
- Environment Types
- fully observable vs. partly observable
- single-agent vs. multi-agent
- deterministic vs. stochastic
- episodic vs. sequential
- static vs. dynamic
- discrete vs continuous
- known vs. unknown
- Agent Types
- simple reflex agents
- model-based reflex agents
- goal-based agents
- utility-based agents
Problem Solving and Search[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Search strategies are evaluated along the following criteria:
- completeness: does it always find a solution if one exists?
- time complexity: number of nodes generated/expanded
- space complexity: maximum number of nodes in memory
- optimality: does it always find a least-cost solution?
Time and space complexity are measured in terms of
- maximum branching factor of the search tree
- depth of the least-cost solution
- maximum depth of the state space (may be )
Uninformed Search Strategies[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
- Breadth-first search (BFS)
- Uniform-cost search (UCS)
- Depth-first search (DFS)
- Depth-limited search (DLS)
- Iterative deepening search (IDS)
Heuristic Search[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Use problem- or domain-specific knowledge during search.
- admissable heuristic
- For every node the following holds:
- where is the true cost from n
- for every goal (follows from 1 and 2)
- consistent heuristic
- For every node every successor of and every operator , holds where are the path costs for .
We consider two algorithms:
- greedy search
- A* search
Local Search[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
historyless, one-step change
- hill-climbing
- always pick the highest-valued neighbor -> gets stuck on local maxima
- to escape shoulders we can allow sideway moves but then we loop on flat maxima -> limited sideway moves
- simulated annealing
- allow some bad moves but gradually decrease their size & frequency
- genetic algorithm (GA)
- stochastic local beam search + successors from pairs of states
Learning from Observations[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The states of the world can be represented with different levels of granularity:
- atomic: states
- factored: attributes with values
- structured: dependence model between attributes
Feedback is important for learning; there are different modes:
- unsupervised learning
- reinforced learning
- supervised learning
Inductive Learning[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Decision Tree Learning[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Entropy measures how uncertain the result of an event is.
- Shannon entropy
If we have positive and negative examples we need bits to classify an example.
For an attribute we can partition all examples by the possible attribute values. For each attribute value there are positive and negative examples.
We can calculate the the amount of information gained from testing the attribute with:
The resulting information gain is .
Neural Networks[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
input units, hidden units, output units
Different network types:
- feed-forward network: uni-directional
- recurrent neural network: directed cycles with delays
Expressiveness of Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs):
- 1 layer (no hidden layer): all linearly separable functions
- 2 layers: all continuous functions (arbitrary precision)
- 3 layers: all functions
- Perceptron Learning Rule
- , where is the target output for
- , where is the learning rate
There are many applications of neural networks (e.g. prediction of pollution or stock developments or pattern/face/speech recognition).
- deep learning
- neural networks with many layers, requires lots of data
Constraint Satisfaction Problems[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Planning[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Three problems can occur in reasoning about actions:
- the frame problem: how to represent things which are not changed by actions (axioms)
- the ramification problem: how to represent implicit effects
- the qualification problem: required preconditions that an action succeeds
We are only concerned with classical planning environments, which are
- fully observable
- deterministic
- finite
- static (change happens only when the agent acts)
- discrete (in time, actions, objects and effects)
Two planning languages:
(Stanford Research Institute Problem Solver)
- Closed-World Assumption: unmentioned literals are false
Action(Fly (p, from, to), Precond: At(p, from) ∧ Plane(p) ∧ Airport(from) ∧ Airport(to) Effect: ¬At(p, from) ∧ At(p, to))
(Action Description Language)
- Open-World Assumption: unmentioned literals are unknown
- Contrary to STRIPS it supports equality and variable types.
Making Simple Decisions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
nondeterministic, partially observable environments
The agent's preferences are expressed by a utility function .
Axioms of Utility Theory
- Orderability
- Transitivity
- Continuity
- Substitutability
- Monotonicity
- Decomposability
Decision networks are a general framework for supporting rational decisions.
Three types of nodes:
- chance nodes (ovals) represent random variables
- decision nodes (rectangles) represent points where a decision maker has a choice of actions
- utility nodes (diamonds) represent the agent's utility function