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TU Wien:Formale Methoden der Informatik VU (Egly)/Ausarbeitung Prüfung 2023-10-31 (fmi235)

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Block 1[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Recall from the lecture the NP-complete problem SAT and its specialization 3-SAT, that is also NP-complete:

  • SATINSTANCE: A propositional formula . QUESTION: Is satisfiable?
  • 3-SATINSTANCE: A propositional formula in 3-CNF, i.e. of the form . QUESTION: Is satisfiable?

For this exercise, assume that instances of 3-SAT are restricted to those in which no variable occurs twice in the same clause (the problem remains NP-complete under this restriction). Consider now the following variant of SAT:

  • (<=3,3)-SATINSTANCE: A propositional formula in CNF, where each clause consists of at most 3 literals over pairwise distinct variables and each variable has at most 3 occurrences. QUESTION: Is satisfiable?

1a) Reduction Proof[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The following describes a polynomial-time many-one reduction from 3-SAT to (<=3,3)-SAT: Consider over variables V. Let be the set of all variables that occur more than 3 times in . For each , we do the following. Let k be the number of occurrences of x in :

  1. Introduce k new variables and replace the i'th occurrence of x in with
  2. Append clauses as well as to the resulting formula of step 2.

Let be the formula obtained from by applying the two steps listed above, for each .

It holds that is a positive instance of 3-SAT iff is a positive instance of (<=3,3)-SAT. Show the => direction of the claim.

Proposed solution[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Assume we have a positive instance of 3-SAT, i.e. there exists a truth assignment s.t. evaluates to true.

We show that every instance resulting from the reduction is a positive instance of (<=3,3)-SAT, i.e. there exists a truth assignment such that evaluates to true:

  • We construct by copying and expanding it for variables newly introduced in step 1 of the reduction, where every newly introduced variable is assigned the same value as the variable they replace:
    • for all i = 1,...,k where k is the number of occurrences of x in the original formula (c.f. reduction step 1)
  • For to evaluate to true under every clause it contains has to evaluate to true under . These clauses can be split into two groups which we analyse separately:
    • Clauses that were already present in , with some variables potentially replaced by step 1 of the reduction: Because by construction of replacement variables have the same truth value as the variables they replaced, and we know from the assumption that these clauses evaluate to true under , we know that they also evaluate to true under - any of them not evaluating to true would contradict our assumption.
    • Clauses that have been appended in Step 2 of the reduction: By construction of we know that , because all such replacement variables were assigned the truth value of the variables they replaced. Therefore any clause is trivially true because it is equal to ("Tertium non datur").

We have therefore shown that by construction of and and under the assumption that the original problem instance is a positive instance of 3-SAT, any instance resulting from the reduction is a positive instance of (<=3,3)-SAT, q.e.d.

1b) Multiple Choice[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • The correctness of the reduction in (a) proves that (<=3,3)-SAT is NP-hard
    • true: Since 3-SAT is NP-complete (NP-hard + NP-membership), (<=3,3)-SAT is also NP-hard because of the reduction.
  • The correctness of the reduction in (a) proves that (<=3,3)-SAT is in NP
    • false: The reduction does not show NP-membership.
  • Every instance of (<=3,3)-SAT is an instance of 3-SAT
    • false: (<=3,3)-SAT may contain clauses with only 2 literals, which are not available in 3-SAT.
  • Every instance of (<=3,3)-SAT is an instance of SAT
    • true: It is written on the first page of the problem description, that (<=3,3)-SAT is a variant of SAT, and since the question (Is satisfiable?) is the same, it is also a special case of SAT.
  • If we can show (<=3,3)-SAT to be in P, we would also show P=NP
    • true: Every problem in NP can be reduced to 3-SAT, since it is NP-hard. If (<=3,3)-SAT was in P, 3-SAT would also be in P, and thus also all other problems in NP=P.
  • Any problem that can be reduced to (<=3,3)-SAT in polynomial time is in NP
    • true: Since (<=3,3)-SAT is in NP, every problem reduced to it is also in NP.

Block 2[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Block 3[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

3a) Prove or disprove Inductive Loop Invariants[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Let p be the following IMP program loop, containing the integer-valued program variables x, y:

while x != x + 1 do

x := x + 1;

y := y + 6 ∗ x − 3;


Which of the following program assertions are inductive loop invariants of p?

• I1 : y > x

• I2 : y = 3 ∗ x^2

• I3 : y < x

Give formal details justifying your answer. That is, if an assertion is an inductive loop invariant, provide a formal proof of it based on Hoare logic or using weakest liberal preconditions. If an assertion is not an inductive loop invariant, give a counterexample and justify your answer.


(I && b) -> wlp(p, I) (Rule for proving inductive loop variants)

b = x != x + 1 => b = true

p = p1; p2;

p1 = x := x + 1;

p2 = y := y + 6x - 3;


(y > x && x != x + 1) -> wlp(p1; p2, y > x)

(y > x && true) -> wlp(p1, wlp(p2, y > x))

y > x -> wlp(p1, y + 6x - 3 > x)

y > x -> y + 6 * (x + 1) - 3 > x + 1

y > x -> y > -5x - 2

Counterexample: x := -1, y := 0

0 > -1 -> 0 > 3

true -> false 🗲


(y = 3 ∗ x^2 && true) -> wlp(p1, wlp(p2, y = 3 ∗ x^2))

y = 3 ∗ x^2 -> wlp(x := x + 1, y + 6 ∗ x − 3 = 3 ∗ x^2 )

y = 3 * x^2 -> y + 6 * (x + 1) - 3 = 3 * (x + 1)^2

y = 3 * x^2 -> y + 6x + 6 - 3 = 3 * x^2 + 6x + 3

y = 3 * x^2 -> y = 3 * x^2 ✔


(y < x && true) -> wlp(p1, wlp(p2, y < x))

y < x -> wlp(x := x + 1, y + 6 ∗ x − 3 < x)

y < x -> y + 6 ∗ (x + 1) − 3 < x + 1

y < x -> y + 6x + 6 - 3 < x + 1

y < x -> y < -5x - 2

Counterexample: x := 0, y := -1

-1 < 0 -> -1 < -2

true -> false 🗲

3b) Prove or disprove soundness of Hoare Rule[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Block 4[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

4a) Create minimal bisimulating Kripke Structure[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Given a Kripke structure M, provide a minimal (i.e. minimal amount of states) Kripke Structure K such that there is a Bisimulation, and a bisimulation relation.

4b) Multiple Choice CTL* Formulas[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

4c) LTL Tautologies[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Give formal proof showing that the LTL formula is a tautology, or a counterexample in form of a Kripke structure:

AFGa => AFAGa / AFAGa => AFGa

Counterexample for AFGa => AFAGa: S = {s0, s1, s2}, S0 = {s0}, L = {s0 -> a, s2 -> a}, R = {(s0, s0), (s0, s1), (s1, s2), (s2, s2)}