TU Wien:Grundlagen des Information Retrieval VU (Rauber)/Prüfung 2024-01-09

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The duration of this exam was 1 hour. It was split into two parts, with the first one being multiple choice and the second one open questions. You got already 4 Points for writing your surname on the exam sheet which was nice. The exam did not include questions on music retrieval as this lecture was not conducted in WS23/24.

Part 1 (Multiple Choice, each 4P)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Which of the following are present in an Information Retrieval Test Collection?
    1. Search Engines
    2. Queries
    3. Relevance Judgements
    4. Document Collection
  2. Classic Boolean Retrieval supports:
    1. exact match between query and document
    2. operators such as AND, OR and NOT
    3. PageRank
    4. ranking
  3. Query Logs can be used for:
    1. query spelling correction
    2. training Learning to Rank algorithms
    3. cooling servers
    4. optimising search engine cache replacement policies
  4. Not accurate, but sth like: Which of these sentences are true for similarity matching?
    1. xyxyxy
    2. Euclidean distance is going to infinity for matches
    3. Euclidean distance is undefined for queries having only one term
    4. Cosine similarity as it computes the angle between vectors and account for different lengths

Part 2 (Open Questions)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Explain Tokenization, Normalization and Stemming. (10P)
  2. Explain Inverted Index and what kind of data structure it utilizes. (10P)
  3. Which aspects are taken into account by the BM25 model? (10P)
  4. Explain Teleportation in the context of Web Search. (10P)
  5. Explain Word Embedding and how it is calculated. (20P)
  6. Explain how Recall and Precision are calculated and why they should always be presented together? (10P)
  7. Which two average metrics are used in MAP (Mean Average Precision) calculation, explain what they do (10P)

Total Points: 100