TU Wien:Machine Learning VU (Musliu)/Exam 2021-12-07
1. In AdaBoost weights are uniformly initialized: T
2. Categorical data should be normalized before training a k-NN:
3. The error of a 1-NN classifier on the training set is 0:
4. One-vs-all is an approach to solve multi-class problems for DTs
5. Boosting ensembles can be easily parallelized
6. 1-hot encoding is used to transform numerical into categorical attributes:
7. The Pearson coefficient has a value range from -1 to 1: T
8. Off-the-shelf is a transfer learning technique that uses the output of layers from a deep-learning architecture as input for a shallow model
9. SVMs search for a decision boundary with the maximum margin
10. SVMs always find a more optimal decision boundary (hyperplane) than Perceptrons
11. In Bayesian Networks we assume that attributes are statistically independent given the class
12. Majority voting is not used when k-NN is applied for linear regression
13. Chain Rule does not simplify calculation of probabilities for BNs
14. Naive Bayes is a lazy learner
15. Normal Equation (analytical approach) is always more efficient than gradient descent for linear regression
16. knn is based on supervised paradigm
17. knn is based on unsupervised paradigm
18. one vs all is approach used by Naive Bayes
Free Text:
Compare Perceptron with SVM algorithms. Common characteristics and differences.
What are features in metalearning? What are landmarking features.
How can you learn the structure of a Bayesian Network
Explain how to deal with missing values and zero frequency problem in NB
Some maxpooling problem
Difference between micro and macro averaging measures
Describe a local search algorithm for Bayesian Network creation
Explain polynomial regression, name advantages and disadvantages compared to linear regression
What is the difference between Lasso and Ridge regression?
Which data preparation/preprocessing steps are mentioned during the lecture? describe them
No free lunch theorem. Explain.
Some basic linear kernel method (kernel 2x2 1 0 0 1 on a 4x4 data)