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TU Wien:Machine Learning VU (Musliu)/Exam 2023-01-24

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Multiple choice only test (true/false questions and 'tick all write answers' questions)

T/F questions

A decision tree can be converted into a rule set.

k-armed bandits choose the next action based on the expected future reward.

A bayesian network is a directed cyclic graph.

Which of these methods helps to prevent overfitting?

- Regularization

- Dropout

- Batch Normalization

- Cross Validation

- <more answers>

What can a validation set be used for?

- Early stopping

- Hyperparameter tunining

- Signifcance Testing

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Which technique is similar to dropout in neural networks

- Bagging

- Boosting

- <more answers>

Something about tabular methods

Calculation of output size of convolution.

Calculation of max pooling operation.