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TU Wien:Security, Privacy and Explainability in Machine Learning/2022-06-30 Exam 2022S

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Exam on 2022-06-30[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

6 Open questions offline:

  • LORE: What are the two components of the explanation? Which algorithm is used?
  • Zero Shot Learning: What are the mappings? How can it be used for explainability?
  • CIA triangle: Which attacks can be performed on each angle. Are they performed during training or testing time?
  • Name approaches to federate two different ML models. Which are the challenges and differences?
  • What is Fingerprinting and what is Watermarking? In which contexts were they mentioned in the lecture? What are the differences? When is it used?
  • Name two approaches for generating adversarial examples. What are defenses for them and what are shortcomings?