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TU Wien:Semi-Automatic Information and Knowledge Systems VU (Sabou)/Exam 2021-06-25

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Questions[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The atmosphere at the exam was very relaxed. It's mainly a discussion and reflection on the topics of the lecture/assignment

Slot Sabou, 11:20-11:40[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. obda and obdi? what are the differences? which tool did you use for obda in the assignment? what types of obdi are there? which one is closest to obda? how can we get mappings between ontologies in the multiple-ontology approach (think about monika's part...)? anything else you want to say about obda/obdi?
  2. odp? are they useful, in your opinion? which one is most interesting to you, which ones did you use in the assignment? did you use the odp portal to find patterns for your assignment? what did you think about it?