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TU Wien:Verteilte Systeme UE (Lachner)/Programme auf Lab Servern testen

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For testing on the server:

FIRST GO TO THE DSLab Handbook - 3.Application servers on TUWEL and create your password!


Create a new file where you add all the files from your solution which where in the given template, because you only need the files nessasary to build your solution This would be: > gradle > lib > src > build.gradle > gradlew > gradlew.bat > > settings.gradle

Then make a zip out of your new created file If you open the zip you should see the new file, not the gradle, lib, ...., this should be in the new file

!The next commands are all executed in the CMD console! if asked about a ssh key or so just say yes


-) Go to the directory where the zip file is with: cd <path or directory>

-) Load your zip on a testserver: scp <filename>.zip d<MtrNr>@<testserver>

-) if asked about a ssh key or so just say yes


-) If upload was succsessful connect to the server via ssh: ssh d<MtrNr>@<testserver>

-) if asked about a ssh key or so just say yes

-) You can check if the zip is there with: ls

-) To unzip just use the command: unzip <filename>.zip

-) Then go inside the file: cd <filename>

-) There you have to get the permissions for the gradlew commands with: chmod +x gradlew

-) Then you can use the commands: ./gradlew assemble ./gradlew build gradle test gradle something else if wantedl


-) To DELETE your files afterwards: -) Go to the home directory: cd ~

-) To see the files you can use again: ls

-) If you want to delete the zip file use: rm <filename>.zip

-) If you want to delete a directory use: rm -rf <directoryname>

-) To delete all files/folders in the current directory, without deleting the directory itself, -) you would need to use: rm -rf *