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TU Wien:Visualisierung medizinischer Daten 1 VU (Sramek, Dimitrov)/Prüfung 2012-07-31

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Es werden Fragen aus dem Katalog gestellt. Jeder bekommt seine eigenen Fragen.

Student 1

  • Why are GPUs particularly well-suited for volume ray casting?How is ray casting principally done on GPUs?
  • Classification of acquisition techniques,PET , SPECT ,combinations.
  • Specification of density-based transfer functions,Transfer functions with LH Histogram.

Student 2

  • What is a gradient vector?
  • What is gradient extraction?
  • Which popular methods for gradient extraction are there?
  • Which are the three constituent parts of every registration method?
  • What are popular choices for each of the three parts of registration?
  • Cartesian Grid and its Elements
  • Sampling in volume rendering, problems and solutions