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Uni Wien:LV zu Typologie und komparativer Grammatiktheorie VO (Kallulli)/Prüfungsfragen 2019S 2. Termin

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Es waren acht Fragen je nach Frage mit 30-100 Wörtern zu beantworten. Der Wortlaut entspricht nicht genau dem der Prüfung.

Why are typology and grammar theory said to have "vested interests"?

Review the formalist and the functionalist explanations for why we find different structures in the languages of the world.

Why is controlling for genealogical factors not enough in a typological sample?

Name some strategies of object marking and/or DOM.

What is referred to as split alignment?

What is the "middle way" in typology? Describe some advantages of this approach.

What are feature geometries and what are they used for?

Provide some examples for different types of universals.