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Uni Wien:Neurolinguistik VO (Reiterer)/Prüfungsfragen 2019S 2. Termin

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Es waren um die 50 Fragen zu beantworten. Der Wortlaut war nicht exakt der gleiche wie hier angegeben.

Who was Caspar Spurzheim? Who did he work with? What was his profession?

Draw a Baginsky diagram. What is it used for?

Name as many submethods(?) of MR as you know.

Is MEG a hemodynamic imaging method?

Name two commissure fibers which are used as landmarks in the brain space.

Name one commissure fiber and one projection fiber.

What is MR-Quench?

Draw a theta-wave.

What does P600 mean? Draw one.

Draw an EEG movement artefact.

Who came up with the concept of equipotentiality?

Who was the first to discover that language is located in the left hemisphere?

What does ROI stand for?

What do LIFG and LIFS(??) stand for?

Name two subcortical nuclei which are important for speech and language.

What is Asymmetric Sampling in Time and who is it connected to?

What does tDCS stand for?

What is TMS and what is it used for?

Name two electrophysiological imaging methods.

Draw a typical ERP and a typical connectivity EEG brain map. (Köpfe waren am Papier)

Do you need to inject a carrier fluid for fMRI imaging?

What does TR mean? Explain what it is.

What is the measurement unit for magnetism?

What is the frequency of delta waves?

What does BA stand for?

Which BA is Heschl's Gyrus?

Which area is BA 39?

Name 5 fiber tracts for language.

Draw 3 fiber tracts. (Hirn war am Papier)

What curve is fMRI based on? Acronym + full words.

Name different types of EEG(??).

Which experimental designs of fMRI do you know?

What is MMN?

What does a EEG measure?

Draw where the Rolandic Fissure is. (Hirn war am Papier)

Name 4 neurologists after 1990 who are associated with models of neurolinguistic processing.

Who is Giacomo Rizzolatti and what is he famous for?

Name 3 main functions and some anatomic characteristics of the cerebellum.

What does EEG connectivity mean?

What is a myelin sheath and what is its function?

Name at least 4 characteristics of Wernicke's Aphasia.

What is the dual route model in language processing?

What is somatotopy? What areas of the brain does it concern?

What is a hodotopical model of the brain?