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TU Wien:Assistive Technologien 1 VO (Panek)/Exam 2023-11-24

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Exam 24. Nov 2023 Assistive Technology 1

  • Language impairment vs. speech impairment
  • Environment/ design requirement for users in wheelchair in public toilets
  • Problem and approach for alarm signals for a) blind people b) deaf people c) old people
  • Normal threshold diagram was given and you needed to draw the line for elderly people and explain which frequency range regards mostly (high freq.)
  • Definition Impairment - Disability - Handicap
  • 4 usual effects of age on human performance/abilities
  • augmentative vs. insertive aids (and what is different)
  • Speech output aids: Which technical requirements for a) blind people b) people with speech impairment
  • Problems with interfaces for persons with epilepsy (problem and range)
  • Amount of disabled people in the population and why difficult to compare
  • 3 build in application in todays OS (MacOS, iOS, Android, ... ) and benefits for certain user groups