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TU Wien:Biologie VO (Mach)/Prüfung 2023-13-01

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Exam questions from memory:

  1. RNA-World Hypothesis
  2. Explain the concept of special creation and its four main claims
  3. List the major determinants contributing to the toxicity of a substance and describe them very shortly (few words).
  4. Tertiary structure of proteins.
  5. Explain the dihybrid cross according to Mendel’s Laws. Draw a Punnet square analysis.
  6. On what is the Baltimore classification of viruses based?
  7. Describe the different phases of mitosis.
  8. Describe the endoplasmatic reticulum, the different types, and its functions.
  9. What are the two types of fermentation used in beer made in ancient Mesopotamia?
  10. Describe the different types of mutations.