TU Wien:Biomedical Sensors and Signals VO (Kaniusas)/Prüfung 2024-04-29
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Biomedical Exam 29.04.2024[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Name relevance/explain[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
- Systolic Blood Pressure and what it depends on (8%)
- Optic penetration depth (8%)
- Optic probing depth (8%)
- Frequency domain of Heart sounds (4%) and difference between first and second Heart sound (4%)
- Electrical current setting of EFPG (4%) and why this value (4%)
- Estimate pulse transfer time (a) from heart to the neck (b) from heart to the hand (8%)
- Why does T-Wave of ECG deflect upwards (8%)
- Heart rate variability at rest () and in stress ()
- How can you change the sensitivity of bilayer sensor (8%)
NOTE: The points distribution is inaccurate and one question is missing.
Graph part[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
- ECG with chest sensor (5%)
- Pulse plethysmography with finger sensor (5%)
- On same time axis (5%)
- With correct labeling of the axis (5%)