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TU Wien:Data Stewardship VO (Rauber)/Exam 2021-06-21

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This was an online exam which took 45 minutes. It had 6 open questions:

1) Name 3 features which differentiate a data repository from a conventional data host (Wordpress site or an FTP server).

2) What is the difference between the accessibility and interoperability principles in FAIR? Provide a detailed breakdown and give examples.

3) The Core Trust Seal certification breaks down requirements into "Organizational Infrastructure" and "Digital Object Management". Explain in your own words and provide some examples in each of these categories.

4) Name the two main challenges in regards to data citation and how the WSGDC group proposed to fix them.

5) What is the difference between the AIP and DIP in the OSGI model? Provide examples.

6) What does it mean to make policies for machines and not only for people? Explain the motivation behind this in the context of maDMPs and give some examples.