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Prüfungsfragen vom 24.06.2009[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Beschreibe die beiden Techniken Emulation und HW Museum inkl. Vor- und Nachteilen sowie mit Beispielen (bei denen man auf beides eingeht).
  2. Beschreiben sie das OAIS Modell
  3. OAIS Model - Object Package Information beschreiben
  4. Preservation Plan Tools - Welche Informationen sind zur Entscheidungsfindung wichtig.
  5. Beschreibe die Ziele von Digital Preservation und im genauen Authenticity

Gedächtnisprotokoll der Prüfung vom 19.10.2009[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. HW-Musem & Migration: Erklärung + genaue Auflistung der Vor und Nachteile, inklusive Beispielen und Gegenüberstellung der beiden
  2. OAIS - Detaillierte Beschreibung der Ingest Komponente
  3. ?
  4. Preservation Plan Tools - Welche Informationen sind zur Entscheidungsfindung wichtig.

Prüfung 2009-12-14[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Vergleich von HW-Museum mit Emulation inklusive Beispiele und Herausarbeitung der Vorteile des einen gegenüber dem anderen
  2. OAIS SIP+DIP+AIP Erklären, Genaue Erklärung des Vorgangs etwas aus dem Archiv zu laden. Wie werden diese umgewandelt, welche Informationen beihalten diese? Provide reasons for these differences.
  3. OAIS Information Definition + Representation Information Erklären, inklusive Beispielen
  4. Preservation Plan Objective Tree

Prüfung 2010-06-21[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • 1. Auf welche Ebenen werden digitale Informationen bedroht? Zielsetzung von DP erklären.
  • 2. Vorteile und Nachteile von HW-Museum vs. Emulation ( + Beispiele)
  • 3.OAIS Modell beschreiben (Komponente, SIP, DIP, AIP)
  • 4. File Format requirements für DP, welche Charakteristik ist für DP nicht geeigenet?
  • 5. Preservation Planning: Welche Information müssen unbedingt bei der Beschreibung der zur Evaluierung anstehende Tools erfasst werden

Prüfung 2011-06-06[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Rechtlichte Aspekte der Emulation von Software und Hardware erklären
  • Was is COBIT? 3 Prinzipien von COBIT nennen
  • SIP, AIP, DIP - beschreiben. Wie werden diese umgewandelt, welche Informationen beihalten diese?
  • Was ist DRAMBORA? Prozess beschreiben + 1 Risk-Beispiel mit Attributen
  • Was ist Preservation Planing? Beschreibe den Prozess etc.

Prüfung 2012-01-23[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Was ist COBIT? Nennen Sie 3 Prinzipien?
  • Rechtliche Aspekte bei Emulation erklären.
  • OAIS Konzept beschreiben. SIP, AIP, DIP beschreiben.
  • Was DRAMBORA Prozess beschreiben + 1 Beispiel mit Attributen.
  • Was ist Preservation Planing. Beschreiben Sie den Prozess.

Prüfung 2012-06-21[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Describe the functional entities in the OAIS-model
  • Name 4 key influence factors to be considered when defining planning requirements and explain why each is important (10-20 sentences)
  • List four different categories of Preservation Description Information and provide two examples for each for a selected scenario
  • In the context of software, what is protected by copyright and what is not. What are the two prerequisites for a copyright protected work.
  • Describe the Open Provenance Model, especially the nodes and edges, and give an example for each of them.
  • Describte 6 risks of Software Escrow for the customer
  • List and describe 3 principles of COBIT
  • Describe two types of virtual world preservation

Prüfung 2012-11-07[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • (same?) 1. List the functional entities of the OAIS model and describe the unit responsible for inserting data into the archive in more detail.
  • 2. List 4 different categories of Preservation Description Information and provide 2 example for each a selected scenario.
  • 3. Describe in detail the diffencesed between AIP, SIP and DIP and provide reasons for these differences.
  • 4. List 5 risks that the customer of a Software Escrow Agreement might face, and explain each shortly.
  • 5. List the main steps of the DRAMBORA process, and provide an example for a risk and its main attribute.
  • 6. What is a view path in the context of emulation? Name different elements in the path and examples for each.

Prüfung 2013-01-23[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • 5 Teile eines Preservationplans beschreiben, wozu sind sie da, was ist dort enthalten.
  • OAIS functional entities auflisten, den genau Teil beschreiben, der für das Monitoring der Archivumgebung zuständig ist.
  • DRAMBORA schritte aufzählen und ein Risiko mit dessen Attributen beschreiben.
  • Zwei Punkte von TRAC aufzählen und beschreiben.
  • 3 Messkriterien Typen bei Preservation Planning aufzählen und Beschreiben mit jeweils 2 Beispielen für Messwerte und ein Tool mit dem das Umgesetzt werden kann.
  • 4 Kategorien von PDI auflisten und zu einem Szenario je 2 Bespiele zu jeder der Kategorien nennen.

Prüfung 21.3.2013[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • 1) COBIT + RACI
  • 2) TRAC
  • 4) OAIS Access Komponente genauer beschreiben
  • 5) 5 Sections eines Preservation Plans

Prüfung 2014-06-12[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • what are the difficulites, the purpose of the "pick sample objects step"
  • Define policies for all three levels
  • Differnece between TRAC und DSA
  • List at least 5 different general security threats. how are they related to digital archives, how can they be handled
  • Describe and compare NASA, LIFE3, Keep Research Data save cost models

No duplication check in newer exams (too lazy to edit further ^^).

Prüfung 2015-01-26[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • 1) Data Citation: Explain Purpose, list and describe 8 Principles
  • 2) OAIS: Describe Ingest Process in detail, difference between SIP and AIP
  • 3) DRAMBORA: What is it trying to solve? Examples, Risk Scores
  • 4) Preservation Planning: describe "Requirement Identification" in Preservation Planning, describe object tree, give example
  • 5) 3 Threat Levels and Mitigation against them

Prüfung 2015-03-04[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

1) File formats, identification and characterisation

a) What is identification and explain why is it not enough to consider only the format extension?
b) What is characterisation? List and explain three types of conflicts which can appear when more than one characterisation tool is used on the same file object.

2) Digital object repository

a) Describe the FEDORA digital object model. What are its main parts?
b) Explain data steams.

3) Audit and Certification

a) What is the Data Seal of Approval, how is it organised and what is its purpose?
b) What stakeholders are involved?
c) Name at least three guidelines which are relevant for data repositories.
d) What are the steps to obtain a DSA?

4) Data citation

a) What is an identifier?
b) Are URLs identifers and are the relevant for digital preservation (why and how)?
c) Describe the concept of persistent identifiers and their purpose in data citation.

5) Preservation planing

a) Explain the "Define Sample Object" step in the planing process. What is its main purpose? What is its main challenge? Is it enough to consider only file format property (explain your answer)?
b) Explain the role of collection profiling tools such as C3PO in this step.

Prüfung 2015-12-12[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

1) Define sample object

a) What is the purpose of the "Define sample object". Is the file format property sufficient (explain)
b) How can Content Profiling tools help with the "Define sample object" step?


a) Describe Ingest Process in detail, list the checks and transformations which are performed in ingest
b) Describe the difference between SIP and AIP.

3) File formats, identification and characterisation

a) What is identification and explain why is it not enough to consider only the format extension?
b) What is characterisation? List and explain three types of conflicts which can appear when more than one characterisation tool is used on the same file object.

4) Digital object repository

a) Describe the FEDORA digital object model. What are its main parts?
b) Explain data steams. Describe the 4 unique datastream identifier and their role.

5) Dublin Core

a) What is Dublin Core and where can it be used?
b) Look at the IEEE landing page of this article. Name 6 different Dublin Core attributes (e.g. <dc:title></dc:title>)

Prüfung 2017-03-06[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

1) Digital Preservation Introduction

a) What kind of preservation would you achieve if you store data on a physical storage (ex: titanium disk)? Why is it not a complete solution for preservation?

2)File Format Registries, Characterisation, Content Profiling

a) What is identification, and why is only file extension not enough? what is characterization? is only one type enough?
b) what are the 3 type of conflicts that might occur when using 3 different identification tools.

3) Preservation Planning

a) What do you do in "select sample object" step and why is the process important?
b) what do you do in "identify requirements"? What is an objective tree?


a) What is metadata? where do we use it in digital preservation?
b) internal vs. external metadata, what are the differences? if you would develop a photo management App which type would you use? why?
c) we discussed 5 type of metadata in the class, list and describe them.

5) Data Management Plans

a) What is DMP and what is the structure? write down 4 different questions from 3 different categories.
b) what are the requirment and needs if you want to implement DMP in an institute?

Prüfung 2017-06-23[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Basics of DP
    1. name and describe three different DP strategies. For each one advantage and disadvantage
  2. Preservation Planning, describe:
    1. choose records, detailing selection strategies and reasons for selecting objects
    2. identify requirements, explain why requirements are elicited and structured. Which categories (types) of requirements exist?
  3. Emulation
    1. difference between emulator, simulator, virtual machine
    2. what is the emulation view path? provide an example of a view path? Provide an example of a view path for a computer video game
  4. Reproducibility and Process Preservation
    1. What is the process context and what elements belong to it? Why preserving data without preservation process that created the data is insufficient?
    2. What are the solutions proposed to improve reproducibility, sharing and reuse of data? Name four and describe one.
  5. DMP
    1. Provide 5 common themes addressed by DMPs
    2. What is the difference between backing up and archiving in a repository? What decisions have to be taken?

Prüfung 2018-03-15[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

1) Data Management Plans

a) Describe in detail 4 common themes
b) Describe Data sharing in detail

2) Emulation

a) Difference between Emulation, Simulation and Virtualisation?
b) 3 challenges with Emulation in Preservation Planning

3) Data Citation

a) What are DOI and URLs? Difference? (What is needed to describe data?)
b) Some Recommendations for Data Citation in detail

4) File Format Registries, Characterisation

a) What is identification? What is characterisation? Why is only file extension not enough?
b) Describe 3 conflicts when using different characterization tools

5) Process Preservation & Reproducibility

a) ?
b) Write different types of Events, Risks and Controls for the given Assets (table was given – fill in x):
Event Risk Control
Source Code x x x
Documentation x x x
?? x x x

Prüfung 2018-10-16[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

1) Preservation Planning Diagram

  • Describe the four phases of preservation planning
  • goals of each phase
  • steps in each phase and give examples

2) DMP's

a) Take a project you did, like bachelor thesis or whatever and give concrete examples for:
i) formats and data (.csv files, one file 1 MB, total 100 files - 100 MB of numerical data)
ii) meta data + standards (describe the columns and value ranges in the csv file 1-5 for grade column, ...)
iii) data sharing and licencing (share via some platform and keep versions in mind, make it available if possible via open licence)
b) What are requirements to introduce a DMP into an institution?

3) Reproducability

a) What is the concept of PRIMAD?
b) What do you need for RDM and give examples

4) Process preservation

a) What is the process context and name 4 elements
b) Why are process boundries important and what are they?