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TU Wien:Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik UE (Gittenberger)/Übungen WS13/Beispiel 16

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16) Prove: If M=(E, S) is a matroid and A and B are two bases of M, then |A|=|B|

Theory[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

A matroid M=(E,S), where E is a finite set and S is a subset of the power set of E s.t:

  • non emptiness: The empty set is in S. (S is therefore not an empty set itself i.e. not empty)
  • S is downward closed: if and then
  • S has the exchange property: if and , then there exists an element s.t.

Solution[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

We assume that there are two bases and with different number of elements. Let . Since the cardinality of is smaller than the cardinality of and every subset of must be an element of the independence set, one can find a set where .

By definition this means there is en element in which we can add to and get a larger independent set than . But this means that is not a maximal independent set and therefore not a base of the matroid.