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TU Wien:Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik UE (Gittenberger)/Übungen WS13/Beispiel 28

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For a simple and undirected graph G we define the line graph G' and (e, f ) ∈ E(G') if and only if the edges e and f share a vertex. Prove that the line graph of an Eulerian graph is Eulerian and Hamiltonian!

Solution[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

G' is hamiltonian[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

1. Take an edge from the euler path of . (This is a vertex in )

2. The next edge must share a vertex with i.e. have an edge in

3. As every edge is visited and the euler path is closed, every vertex in is visited and the path is closed. That is the definition of an hamiltonian graph.

G' is eulerian[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

i.e. an even number of edges share this vertex

is eulerian