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TU Wien:Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik UE (Gittenberger)/Übungen WS13/Beispiel 36

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Let be a matching of a simple and undirected graph . An open path in is called alternating if exactly every other edge of is in . We call an alternating path extending if the start as well as the end vertex of is not incident with any . Prove: If is an extending alternating path, then is a matching and .

Solution[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

We know that every other edge of is in . Both end points of the alternating path are nor incident with any edge of the matching. This means that starts and ends with an edge, which does not belong to the matching . The number of edges in must be odd, since otherwise would not start and end with an edge not belonging to . From this follows that the number of edges in which do not belong to has to be one greater than the number of edges belonging to . If we now switch the designation of each edge in then consequently the number of edges in the new matching (|M ⧍ W|) has to be one larger than the number of edges not belonging to the matching (= number of edges belonging to the old matching ).