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TU Wien:Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik UE (Gittenberger)/Übungen WS13/Beispiel 40

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Show the following inequality for Ramsey numbers: If then

Hint: Let and consider an edge colouring of with colours, say . Identify the colours and and apply the Ramsey property for colours.

Solution[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The following solution is largely based on the paragraph “Proof for More than Two Colors” from the website “ProofWiki”.

Lets assume we have an complete graph with vertices. Colour the edges of this graph with colours. Then let us assume we can not see the difference between colour and colour and lets call this colour that we are not able to differentiate “blurred”. This leaves us with a graph colouring.

This complete graph then either contains a complete sub-graph of colour of size for some or a complete sub-graph of size in the color “blurred”. If we look at the definition of , we see that this sub-graph has to contain a sub-graph with either colour of size or a sub-graph of colour of size . This shows us that the complete graph described by has to be as least as big as the graph described by .