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TU Wien:Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik UE (Gittenberger)/Übungen WS13/Beispiel 5

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5) Show that each of the following four statements is equivalent to the statement ”T is a tree“:
  1. Every two nodes of T are connected by exactly one path.
  2. T is connected and α0(T) = α1(T) + 1.
  3. T is a minimal, connected graph, i.e., deleting an edge destroys connectivity
  4. T is a maximal, acyclic graph, i.e., adding an edge generates a cycle.

Theory[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


Solution[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


Proof by contradiction

1. Assume: , where there are two or more paths between v and w

2. This implies there is a cycle. This contradicts with the definition of a tree


Proof by induction


1. Add a vertex and connect it with an two existing, vertices with the edges .

2. Now either:

2.a. |V|=1 and since there are no two vertces, then it is not possible to add two edges

2.b. In a tree there is always a path between two distinct vertices (as per definition it's connected). The edges introduce a second path. Use the same arguments as in 5.1


1. In a tree there is always a path between two distinct vertices . If there is an edge , it is that path, and removing it contradicts with the definition.


Use the same arguments as in 5.2.2.b.

NOTE:" These are proves for " is a tree". To show equivalence () " is a tree " must also be proved
