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TU Wien:Diskrete Mathematik für Informatik VO (Drmota)/Mündliche Prüfung 2021-02-19

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Prüfung vom 19.02.2021[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • What can you tell me about bipartite graphs and chromatic number.
  • How can you create a field with 25 elements and why it has exactly 25 Elements in it.
  • Euler fermat theorem

  • Möbius function + how its connected with the inclusion/exclusion principle
  • Generation of a finite field with 27 elements and why it has exactly 27 elements in it

  • Matroids
  • Linear Codes

  • Planar graphs, Kuratowski, Euler characteristics
  • Congruences, How many residue classes are in Z_12 (Euler totient)