TU Wien:Distributed Systems Technologies VU (Truong)/Prüfung 2012-01-13
The test consisted of five questions a 16 points, for a total of 80 points.
Object-Relational Mapping (16 Points)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The UML-like class diagram features an
- abstract class "Person", properties:
- String familyName
- List<String> givenNames
- implementing class Employee, properties:
- int salery
- class Department, property:
- String name
- n:n relationship from Employee to Department
Consider the objects in following scenario, which is based on the informal, UML-like class diagram above:
Employee Heinz Gustav Alexander Gruber works in the sales and accounting departments and has a salery of 50k Euro. Employee Anna Wagner works in marketing and has a salery of 51k Euro.
Please draw all resulting tables plus their content for mappingthe objects above into a relational database for the class table inheritance strategy and for the single table inheritance strategy.
Web Services (16 points)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
- Compare the strengths and weaknesses of RESTful Web Services to traditional Web Service (i.e., WebServices based on SOAP and WSDL). (8 Points)
- Explain the WSDL Document structure i.e., the name of the elements contained and what the elements represent. (8 Points)
Unknown[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The third question is missing from my notes. Sorry!
Java Message Service (16 Points)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
- Explain how a ConnectionFactory in Java Message Service (JMS) can be used to create Messages', MessageConsumers, and MessageProducers. (8 Points)
- Explain the difference between synchronous and asynchronous consumption in JMS. (4 points)
- Name four JMS message types. (4 Points)
Routing Patterns (16 Points)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Explain the message routing pattern "routing slip" based on an example. What are the advantages of this pattern compared to other routing approaches.