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TU Wien:E-Commerce VU (Werthner)/Prüfungsfragen 24.1.2019

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  1. e Commerce in one sentence
  2. The 9 business types + examples
  3. Content based vs collaborative filtering
  4. Explain Rules, history and value in bitcoin
  5. Data steering and data discrimination disadvantages and advantages for customers and for shops
  6. KPIs in online advertisement
  7. Business model aufschreiben - resources, activities and value
  8. Which is the most valuable personal data resource and why, who would buy it and what would they use it for, what is their business model
  9. Example for digital org that creates, delivers, captures and defend the customer value
  10. Porter forces for a bike store that exists over 30 years - bargaining power of suppliers, threat of new entries
  11. 2 main goals of marketing
  12. Infomediatery example (well known)
  13. Open Data Def, 3 problems and solutions for 2 of them
  14. in search add publishers with pricing models ppc such as google ad, why does rank/position of an ad depends on a bid and not on the quality metrics
  15. How is Internet enabling personalisation

Questions from the first E-Commerce 2018W exam (24.01.2019):

No guarantee of correctness, completeness, etc.

  1. Describe/define E-Commerce in one sentence.
  2. List the 9 types of E-Commerce and describe them (C2C, B2C, A2C, etc.)
  3. What effect does the internet have on the bargaining power of suppliers and the barrier to market entry? Discuss the effects on an established company (bike spare spart seller 30 years in business).
  4. In what way does personalization rely on the internet?
  5. What are (3) KPIs for online advertising?
  6. Ad auctions: For the PPC model, why are ads not ranked on the bid alone? Why are qualitiy metrics also applied?
  7. Differences between content based and collaborative filtering recommender systems.
  8. What are the two basic gaols of marketing?
  9. Give an example of a well-known business that is an infomediary (intermediary of information).
  10. Choose any well-known business with a digital business model, and give an example of how it digitally creates, delivers, captures and defends value for its customers.
  11. Define Open Data. List three commonly encountered difficulties with open data in practice, and explain each diffuculty briefly. Write down potential solutions for two of the three listed difficulties.
  12. In order for a cryptocurrency to be successful, there has to be a consensus on rules, history and value of the currency. Take Bitcoin as an example, and explain how Bitcoin is organised to guarantee each consensus.
  13. Explain what Price Steering and Price Discrimination in online commerce is. What is an advantage and disadvantage of these activities from the point of view of online shops and consumers.
  14. Write down the type of personal data that you expect to be worth the most. Justify the choice - what could the data be used for? Who would want to tbuy it? What is their business model?
  15. Assume you need to build a business model canvas for a company providing video streaming on the internet. Put exactly 2 major key activities, 2 key resources and 3 value propositions in the excerpt of the Business Model Canvas.