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TU Wien:Formal Methods for Security and Privacy VU (Maffei)/Exam 2020-07

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Exam consisted of four parts:

  1. Typing for Cryptographic Protocols (30 points, 3 exercises):
    1. Does a given process hold secrecy/integrity, give a type derivation if yes or a counter-example if not
    2. Find an appropriate type instantiation for a given process
    3. Show the incompleteness of the given type system by example of a process that preserves secrecy and integrity but does not type check
  2. Protocol Analysis (20 points, 2 exercises):
    1. Does a given protocol satisfy (non-)injective agreement, if not describe an attack and propose a minimal modification to fix it
    2. Give an intuitive explanation why two protocols do or do not hold injective agreement or show an attack)
  3. Information Flow (20 points, 2 exercises):
    1. Prove incompleteness of the given type system for non-interference by counterexample
    2. Give a type derivation for a given program or show why it fails)
  4. Static Analysis (30 points, 2 exercises):
    1. Show all intermediate and final configurations of a short program given small-step semantics
    2. For three different abstractions argue whether the given soundness claim holds and give example programs)