TU Wien:Foundations of Ubiquitous Computing and IoT VU (Michahelles)
- Foundations of Ubiquitous Computing and IoT - Exercises UE (Michahelles) (TU Wien, 0 Materialien)
- Foundations of Ubiquitous Computing and IoT VO (Michahelles) (TU Wien, 0 Materialien)
- Foundations of Ubiquitous Computing and IoT VU (Michahelles) (TU Wien, 0 Materialien)
Daten[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Vortragende | Khaled Kassem• Florian Michahelles• Florian Wolling |
ECTS | 6,0 |
Letzte Abhaltung | 2024W |
Sprache | English |
Mattermost | foundations-of-ubiquitous-computing-and-iot • Register • Mattermost-Infos |
Links | tiss:193121, eLearning |
Masterstudium Media and Human-Centered Computing | Modul Foundations of Media Technologies (Pflichtfach) |
Inhalt[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Lecture: Basics of Ubiquitos Computing and IoT with some additional Guest Lectures about real-life topics/projects.
Exercise: Introduction to curcuits, micropython and microcontrollers. Basic tasks working with esp boards and various sensors. Creative project using esp boards with the possibility of using laser cutters and 3d-printers.
Ablauf[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Lecture+Guest Lectures (not mandatory, in person or video recording, no recording of guest lectures but slides provided) --> for each lecture we needed to create a reflection (in pairs of two)
Exercise: In pairs of two, we needed to solve 4 exercises. The exercises were mainly connecting various sensors to the esp board.The task got more complex with every exercise.
Project: In pairs of two groups (so in total 4 people) we needed to create a prototype (idea, concept, actual implementation etc.). The semester's topic was 'companion'. November till Christmas we had to plan a concept and order hardware, in January we had roughly 2 weeks for the implementation.
Benötigte/Empfehlenswerte Vorkenntnisse[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The course is manageable without any experience with microcontrollers but it might take more time. We only had previous programming knowledge and did fine but it takes time getting into the concepts of microcontroller programming, so plan enough time for solving the exercises.
Vortrag[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The lecture was interesting. Each week you have to watch a video recording, which is accompanied by either an additional (optional) interactive lecture about the content or an additional (optional) guest lecture. Some guest lectures were more interesting than others. Reflections need to be written/drawn about the video recoring and the guest lecture.
Übungen[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The four exercises each took us at least 6 hours (but we did not have any previous knowledge). Exercise 4 took us multiple days and was a lot harder than the first 3. So plan enough time but then it's doable.
Prüfung, Benotung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The grade consists of the points for the reflections (~25%), the exercises (~25%) and the prototype project (~50%). No written exam. The grading for the project was very good, grading for reflections and exercises is straight-forward and you get feedback in case something was missing.
Dauer der Zeugnisausstellung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
noch offen
Zeitaufwand[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Considering the credits the time requirements were alright but the course definitely takes a lot of time but was fun.
Unterlagen[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
noch offen
Tipps[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
I recommend going to the additional lecture especially towards the end as you will talk about your projects, can ask questions and get advice. Some guest lectures were very interesting so go if you have the time.
Start the exercises at the earliest possible time. Each exercise takes at least a couple hours to solve, some even a couple days.
Come up with a useful & creative idea for the project but keep it simple with 1-2 core features that can be implemented in 2 weeks (mid january). You can always change your concept/features but you will need to explain your decision making.
Highlights / Lob[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
The course overall was very fun for us and we learned a lot. It was nice having a hands-on course without a written exam at the end.
Verbesserungsvorschläge / Kritik[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]
Exercise 4 was too complex and most of us struggled a lot with it, maybe it could be described better or kept a bit more simple.
The hardware gets ordered before christmas so you can only start with the project in january which doesn't leave much time to create a good prototype. The whole project part of the lecture needs to start earlier in the semester.
uPyCraft was a pain in the ass, no error messages made it very hard to work with and we spent hours fixing indentation and other silly errors.
The 3d-printers could only be used with previous knowledge so if none of your group members have that you can not use the printers.