TU Wien: Masterstudium Media and Human-Centered Computing
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Obligation: Pflichtfach
Applied Assistive Technologies
Critical Theory of Media and Informatics *
- Critical Design VU (Spiel)
- Critical Theory of Media and Informatics UE (Spiel)
- Critical Theory of Media and Informatics VO (Spiel)
Design Thinking & Design for All *
Foundations of Media Technologies
Image Processing & Visualization *
Media Technologies *
Responsible Research and Innovation
- Responsible Research and Innovation PR (Purgathofer)
- Responsible Research and Innovation VU (Purgathofer)
Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing - Gaps of Digitalization SE (Eidenberger)
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing Informationsvisualisierung Visual Analytics und Informationsdesign SE (Miksch)
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing SE (Gelautz)
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing SE (Tellioglu)
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing SE (Weiss)
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing SE (Wolling)
Theories of Perception, Interaction & Visualization
- Cognitive Foundations of Visualization VO (Pohl)
- Informationsvisualisierung VO (Aigner)
- Informationsvisualisierung VO (Matkovic)
User Research Methods
- User Research Methoden PR (Purgathofer)
- User Research Methoden PR (Wozniak)
- User Research Methoden VU (Purgathofer)
- User Research Methoden VU (Wozniak)
_no module mapping_
Obligation: Gebundenes Wahlfach
Applied Assistive Technologies
- Assistive Systeme UE (Panek)
- Assistive Systeme VO (Panek)
- Assistive Technologien 1 VO (Panek)
- Assistive Technologien 2 VO (Panek)
Computer Vision
- Seminar aus Computer Vision und Mustererkennung SE (Sablatnig)
- Seminar in Computer Vision SE (Gelautz)
Critical Theory of Media and Informatics *
Design Studies
Digital Games
Emergent Ethical Challenges in Informatics
Emergent Technologies and Methods
Freie Wahlfächer und Transferable Skills
- Coaching als Führungsinstrument 1 SE (Fischer)
- Coaching als Führungsinstrument 2 SE (Fischer)
- Didaktik in der Informatik Abenteuer Informatik SE (Landman)
- Didaktik in der Informatik SE (Weissenböck)
- EDV-Vertragsrecht VO (Vinzenz)
- Forschungsmethoden VU (Kühn)
- Gruppendynamik SE (Kasenbacher)
- IT Projekte für Jugendliche UE (Musliu)
- IT Projekte für Jugendliche UE (Pichler)
- IT-Projekte für Jugendliche PR (Pichler)
- Kommunikation und Rhetorik 2 SE (Pichlmair)
- Kommunikation und Rhetorik SE (Pichlmair)
- Kommunikationstechnik SE (Cerwinka)
- Kommunikationstechnik SE (Lobnig)
- Präsentation und Moderation VU (Freund)
- Präsentations- und Verhandlungstechnik VU (Lendl)
- Rhetorik Körpersprache und Argumentationstraining VU (Lendl)
- Scientific Presentation and Communication SE (Sablatnig)
- Softskills für TechnikerInnen VU (Pichlmair)
- VWA Mentoring I SE (Landman)
- VWA Mentoring II SE (Landman)
- Zwischen Karriere und Barriere VO (Birbaumer)
Gameful Design
Image Processing & Visualization *
- Computer Vision VU (Sablatnig)
- Video Analyse UE (Gelautz)
- Video Analyse VO (Gelautz)
- Visual Data Science VU (Schmidt)
Image and Video Analysis & Synthesis
Media Technologies *
Media Understanding
- Intelligent Audio and Music Analysis VU (Knees)
- Media and Brain 1 Künstliches Bewusstsein VU (Eidenberger)
- Media and Brain 2 Künstliches Bewusstsein VU (Eidenberger)
- Selbstorganisierende Systeme VU (Rauber)
- Similarity Modeling 1 - Computational Seeing and Hearing VU (Eidenberger)
- Similarity Modeling 2 - Computational Seeing and Hearing VU (Eidenberger)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 PR (Kaufmann)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 PR (Kaufmann)
Sound and Music Computing
Virtual and Augmented Reality
Obligation: Keine Angabe
Computer Vision
Digital Games
Image and Video Analysis & Synthesis
- 3D Vision UE (Sablatnig)
- 3D Vision VO (Sablatnig)
- Seminar aus Bild- und Videoanalyse und - synthese SE (Gelautz)
- Seminar aus Visualisierung SE (Aigner)
- Seminar aus Visualisierung SE (Gröller)
Media Understanding
Virtual and Augmented Reality
_no module mapping_
- Assistive Systeme UE (Mayer)
- Assistive Systeme VO (Mayer)
- Building Interaction Interfaces PR (Kappel)
- Building Interaction Interfaces PR (Purgathofer)
- Building Interaction Interfaces PR (Wimmer)
- Computational Aspects of Digital Fabrication VU (Purgathofer)
- Computational Aspects of Digital Fabrication VU (Wimmer)
- Critical Design VU (Purgathofer)
- Critical Theory of Media and Informatics UE (Purgathofer)
- Critical Theory of Media and Informatics VO (Purgathofer)
- DSP-Processing & Generative Music VU (Golka)
- DSP-Processing Generative Music VU (Golka)
- Design Studies VU (Wagner)
- Didaktik in der Informatik Abenteuer Informatik SE (Futschek)
- Diplomarbeit SE (diverse)
- End User Programming VU (Gärtner)
- Ethics & Design VU (Spiel)
- Exploratives Design 1 PR (Purgathofer)
- Exploratives Design 2 PR (Purgathofer)
- Exploring Disruptive Technologies LU (Purgathofer)
- Foundations of Ubiquitous Computing and IoT - Exercises UE (Michahelles)
- Foundations of Ubiquitous Computing and IoT VO (Michahelles)
- Gestaltung und Evaluation von Visualisierungen UE (Pohl)
- Grundlagen der Kommunikations- und Medientheorie VU (Steinhardt)
- HCI in Health Care VU (Fitzpatrick)
- Human Robot Interaction VU (Purgathofer)
- Interaktivität & Music Interface Design VU (Gorbach)
- Interaktivität & Music Interface Design VU (Tomás Calderón)
- Interaktivität Music Interface Design VU (Gorbach)
- Interaktivität Music Interface Design VU (Tomás Calderón)
- Kommunikation und Moderation VU (Pohl)
- Kommunikationstechnik SE (Dustdar)
- Multimedia Interfaces LU (Brument)
- Multimedia Interfaces LU (Schönauer)
- Mustererkennung VU (Kropatsch)
- Privatissimum aus Fachdidaktik Informatik SE (Freund)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 Informationsvisualisierung Visual Analytics und Informationsdesign PR (Miksch)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 PR (Eidenberger)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 PR (Gelautz)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 PR (Purgathofer)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 PR (Tellioglu)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 1 PR (Wimmer)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 - Artifact-Based Computing & User Research PR (Tellioglu)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 Informationsvisualisierung Visual Analytics und Informationsdesign PR (Miksch)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 PR (Eidenberger)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 PR (Kappel)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 PR (Purgathofer)
- Projekt aus Media and Human Centered Computing 2 PR (Tellioglu)
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing - Gebäude-Informations-Modelle SE (Eidenberger)
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing SE (Fitzpatrick)
- Seminar Media and Human-Centered Computing Virtual- and Augmented Reality SE (Kaufmann)
- Seminar aus Computer Vision und Mustererkennung SE (Gelautz)
- Seminar aus Computer Vision und Mustererkennung SE (Kropatsch)
- Seminar für Diplomand innen für Media and Human-Centered Computing SE (Pohl)
- Theorie und Praxis der Medienkunst VU (Purgathofer)
- Videoverarbeitung UE (Gelautz)
- Virtual and Augmented Reality Advanced Topics PR (Schönauer)
- Virtual and Augmented Reality UE (Podkosova)
- Visual Analysis of Human Motion UE (Gelautz)
- Visual Analysis of Human Motion VO (Gelautz)