TU Wien:Cognitive Foundations of Visualization VO (Pohl)

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Daten[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Vortragende Margit Pohl
ECTS 3,0
Ersetzt Psychologische Grundlagen der Visualisierung VO (Pohl)
Letzte Abhaltung 2025S
Sprache English
Mattermost cognitive-foundations-of-visualizationRegisterMattermost-Infos
Links tiss:193133, tiss:193060, eLearning
Masterstudium Media and Human-Centered Computing Modul Theories of Perception, Interaction & Visualization (Pflichtfach)

Inhalt[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • History of the use of pictures and illustrations (in science) (brief)
  • Psychological and perceptual foundations: some theories about perception of objects, color, illusions, information processing, attention, affordance, memory for pictures, image + text.
  • Information visualization: brief introduction, types, differences to scientific visualization, visual analytics; a bit about evaluations of visualization.

Ablauf[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

WS 2010/2021: 4 lectures via Zoom to cover the most important material. Self-study of the material from slides + text.

Benötigte/Empfehlenswerte Vorkenntnisse[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • interest in visualization, maybe a bit in perception and cognition is helpful

Vortrag[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

noch offen

Prüfung, Benotung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

It was explicitly mentioned that you need to write in whole sentences and use your own words at the exam. According to the professor, it will count as cheating when you are using sentences or words from her slides.

WS2020/2021: Oral exams via Zoom. Being able to answer questions with material covered in the slides should suffice for a good grade. It is good to show that you reflected the material a bit and can put things in perspective, connect and contrasts the different theories a bit. The questions often follow the slides' "headlines". There seems to be a core of more important topics / questions, see material here. It may be benefitial to also look at the Vowi-pages of the older versions of this class.

SS18: I did not write in whole sentences. Therefore, I got probably a worse grade. I studied approx. 12 hours in total and was rarely in the lectures - got sufficient on exam.

WiSe23: I did an oral exam, it was very easy, simply explain three questions in 10 minutes. I read the slides three times in a week and got an 1 / excellent. She asked about object perception (Feature integeration theory, Recognition by Component, Alignment method), Information Processing and the Pandemonium, and different visualization techniques (Scatterplot, Starplot, Pixel oriented).

WS24: I also did an oral exam, I have to agree it was very easy. She also asked three questions and after 5min the exam was done. She asked about object perception (Feature integeration theory, Recognition by Component, Alignment method), Dual Coding + Imagery Debate, and difference of information visualization and scientific visualization. It was very chill environment and she was also very nice, you just say what you know and if she has questions she will ask (she did not in my case).

Dauer der Zeugnisausstellung[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

SS18: two weeks

SS19: Exam 27.06.2019; Certificate 02.08.2019

WS19: Exam 28.01.2020; Certificate 03.03.2020

Zeitaufwand[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


Watched the recordings, read the scriptum and summary once and read the slides approx 3 times => grade: very good

Took me around 1 Week (Recordings 4 days, Reading 3 Days)


  • I would recommend to go through the slides once to at least have a rough idea of all the material. I spread this over 1-2 weeks, with tiny bits per day. Then look at the most important questions and collect the relevant material from slides.

Without visiting lecture: approx. 2 days

With visiting lecture: approx. 1 day

Unterlagen[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  • Slides with occasional pictorial examples
  • Text document accompanying the slides, eplaining some of the material in more detail

Tipps[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The lecture is a little bit lengthy. But she mentioned explicitly, that it will count as cheating when not using your own words during the exam. Therefore, it can be helpful to visit the lectures.

In the oral exam you have much time to think about it and the questions are generally asked quite open. So it is good to have an understanding of the concepts and how they are all connected (e.g. humans are good at noticing movement --> don't use too much animation in interfaces,...); It is not important to know the exact names of the concepts/people, but rather have a practical understanding. She was very friendly so the oral exam was very relaxed ;)

I did not take the written exam, but based from the number of questions, I would almost recommend taking the oral exam, it is only 3 question and the questions are very open. As mentioned above, names and definitions are not important but the concepts. If you want to take an oral exam you can write her an email after the written exam dates are over.

Highlights / Lob[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

noch offen

Verbesserungsvorschläge / Kritik[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

noch offen