TU Wien:Grundlagen der Zellkultur VO (Sevcsik)/Exam 06.05.2024

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1) What is the difference between a primary cell culture and a cell line? How can you aquire them?

2) Explain the term "subcultivation" What are the important steps in subcultivating adherent cells?

3) You want to transiently express a flourescently labled protein in a HeLa cells. How could you achieve this? Give a few examples of transient transfection methods. What are the advantages and disadvantages of transient transfection.

4) What is cell differentiation? Can this process be reversed?

5) Which in vitro assays are performed to evaluate the cytocompatibility of materials?

6) Describe the three zones found in multicellular spheroids. What does such an organization mimic?

7) Which of the following is true (multiple answers possible) A. When freezing cells, they should be shock frozen to maintain cell viability B. Immortialized cells can be kept in active culture indefinitely C. Primary cells dhould be cultuvated in phosphate buffer saline (PBS) D. The most commonly used buffer system for a cell culture medium is bicarbonate Co2 buffer system F. A Class II Biosafty Cabinet is eequibeed with a HEPA filter and offers protection of samples and the environment G. Porosity of a 3D scaffold material is imporatant to maintain cell viability