TU Wien:Grundlagen der Zellkultur VO (Sevcsik)/Exam 2024-05-22

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  1. What are immortalized cell lines. How can it be achieved?
  2. Differentiation of cells. Reversible? If yes, how? If no, why not?
  3. Suspension vs. adhesions cells. Name example of cells for each. When do you have to perform a passage?
  4. BSL 2 requirements
  5. Live/Death cell assay
  6. 3D cell culture advantages
  7. True/false questions: (8 question, can't remember all of them)
    1. A - Cryopreservation: protectant and cooling rate of 1°C/min
    2. B - Primary cell culture in PBS
    3. C - Cell incubation at 33°C
    4. D - Porosity of 3D scaffold necessary for cell viability
    5. E - Adenovirus transduction integrates DNA in host genome
    6. F - bicarbonate/CO2 most common pH buffer