TU Wien:Information Systems Engineering VU (Proper)/Assignments 1-4

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Assignment 1 - DEMO 1[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


1 According to the TAO Theory, what is an example of an affordance?

2 Which EE theory does Ogden and Richard's semiotic triangle and Stamper's semiotic ladder form the basis?

3 What does the TAO theory (Teleology–Affordances–Ontology) primarily seek to clarify?

4 What are the three ways of deriving types discussed in the FI Theory?

5 To which classification does the FI theory belong?

6 To which classification does the TAO theory belong?

7 In the FI Theory, what is the core framework for understanding perception and conception called?

8 What is the semiotic triangle in the FI Theory?

9 How does the TAO Theory suggest distinguishing between the construction and function perspectives on things?

10 What is the term suggested in the TAO Theory to refer to the construction perspective on enterprises?

11 What does the semiotic ladder in the FI Theory help clarify?

12 According to J. Dietz and H. Mulder, the abbreviation (Abkürzung) EE in "EE Theories" stands for:

13 How does a fact become existent in the mind according to the FI Theory?

14 What is the key distinction made in the TAO Theory regarding functions and constructions?

Assignment 2 - DEMO 2[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


1 In the PSI Theory, when does communication become successful?

2 How many transactor layers are distinguished in the ALPHA Theory based on the sorts of production acts?

3 What does the OMEGA Theory primarily focus on clarifying within organizations?

4 What does the ALPHA Theory primarily focus on within organizations?

5 In the PSI Theory, when does a transaction become successful?

6 What are original production acts in the ALPHA Theory responsible for?

7 According to the PSI Theory, what are the three levels of correspondence in communication between subjects?

8 In the PSI Theory, what are the atomic building blocks of organizational processes?

9 According to the OMEGA Theory, what is the inherent fundamental structure of business processes?

10 What caracterize a transactor role in the PSI Theory?

11 How are transaction kinds organized within the interaction structure of an organization (OMEGA Theory)?

12 How does the I-organisation in the ALPHA Theory support the O-organisation?

Assignment 3 - DEMO 3[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


1 The exercise Case Fixit is about:

2 What is the primary focus of the Cooperation Model (CM) in the context of a System of Interest (SoI)?

3 What is the primary purpose of DEMOSL diagrams?

4 How does DEMOSL make formal textual expressions more readable?

5 If you base the user - system interaction on the CTP, what is the main advantage?

6 What is represented in a Process Structure Diagram (PSD)?

7 Which aspect model of an organization in DEMO is responsible for modeling the construction and coordination structures?

8 What does the term "WoT" stand for in the context of DEMO methodology?

9 The Way of Modelling of the DEMO methodology consists of how many aspect models?

10 How many EE-Theories does the Way of Thinking of the DEMO methodology include?

11 DEMO as abbreviation stands for?

12 What is the role of the Fact Model (FM) in DEMO?

13 In the Coordination Structure Diagram (CSD), what type of transactor role is found at the top of tree structures within the interaction structure?

14 What does the Action Model (AM) in DEMO primarily focus on?

15 What are the guidelines for responding to coordination facts (C-facts) and performing production acts (P-acts) called?

Assignment 4 - DEMO 4[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]


1 Which of the following is NOT one of the emphasized topics in the GloLog case?

2 The essential model of a Scope of Interest is defined as the ontological model of its D-organisation.

3 Why is important to involve members of an organization beneficial in the OER method?

4 What is the purpose of a broadening of the scope in the process of building the DEMO model?

5 What is the main goal of the PIF analysis?

6 Which organization is responsible for the temporary storage and eventual delivery of consumer electronics products from the Far East to European dealerships in the case of GloLog?

7 While abstracting in the OER method, one should remove considerations about:

8 The fourth sapience emphasizes the importance of:

9 In the context of building the DEMO model, what does "narrowing" the scope mean?

10 What is the primary objective of the OER method?

11 What is the primary focus of the GloLog case?

12 In the case of GloLog, the supplier transfers information directly to the ship broker.

13 In the OER method, seeking the "oer" signifies finding the: