TU Wien:Knowledge-based Systems VU (Egly, Eiter, Tompits)/Oral Exam 2020-08-10

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  • Exact definition of Sigma-structure in FOL
    • Basic definition
    • And details (Why is a domain non-empty? Quantors)
  • How is an interpretation done
  • What type of rule-based systems are there? (Forward and Backward)
  • Parts of a rule-based system (fact database, conflict set, ...)
  • Matching/RETE (Why, how, Index)
  • How NOT works in matching
  • Why Descriptions logics, overview of when they are used
  • Syntax of Description Logic
    • Vocabulary (Concepts, roles, individuals)
    • Constructors, esp. quantors.
  • Interpretation function, esp. quantors.
  • Other evaluations: Modal logic, FOL
  • Details about complexity and decidability, relation to FOL² (not in the slides I think, but forgiving grading)

Tompits: Wanted really exact answers IMO

  • Types of logic programs
  • Details about classic logic programs
    • Syntax
    • Negation
    • Herbrand models
      • When is a an interpretation a model
      • Intersection property
    • Fixed-Point Semantics
      • Exact definition of direct-consequence operator
      • Properties: Monotonic, Continuous
      • Exact set theoretic details

Nothing about Truth Maintenance Systems or probabilistic reasoning (other groups got this, though).