TU Wien:Knowledge-based Systems VU (Egly, Eiter, Tompits)/Oral Exam 2024-07

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  • Intro: Of what components consists a knowledge-based system? -> architecture: knowledge base, knowledge-processing component, knowledge-acquisition component, explanation component, dialogue component...
  • First-order-logic: what is an interpretation structure? how can you interpret a formula in FOL?
  • Rule-based systems: explaining the recognize-act cycle, matching process, forward chaining, backward chaining, explaining the RETE Network and how it works
  • Description Logic: how can we interpret DL in a different way -> transform the knowledge base to a First-Order-Logic formula. Complexity of ALC satisfiability and complexity of tableaux-calculus we discussed in the lecture
  • ASP: what are the different logic programs, its syntax and also the semantics of the classical logic program and normal logic program. Definitions of herbrand semantics (universe, basis, interpretation, model)

Nothing about JTMS and probabilistic