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TU Wien:Logikprogrammierung und Constraints VU (Neumerkel)/Howto Remote (macOS)

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Howto Remote (macOS)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

This is the state in 2022 and I only tried it on an Intel Mac. (feel free to update this line in the future).

  1. Install X11 with: brew install xquartz
  2. Start XQuartz and open Preferences and go to the tab Output and select “Full-screen mode”. (BTW this is pain to keep on if you use X11 for anything else but I only could get it to run this way.)
  3. Start the connection with ssh -tt -XY tXXX gupu -enforced FHD (das 1. Passwort ist logique, das 2. Passwort das eigene Passwort)