TU Wien:Social Network Analysis VU (Neidhardt)/05-02-2019 - Exam

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I probably mixed up what subquestions were part of which question, feel free to correct this

Question 1:[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Write Adjancy matrix for a graph, whats the indegree/outdegree in adjacency matrix

Define density and calculate it for a graph

Question 2: Centrality Stuff[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Calculate local clustering coefficient for three nodes from kite graph in slides and explain it

Find most and least relevant nodes in kite according to degree centrality, closeness centrality and betweenness centrality and explain why (calculation wasn't requested)

Find and explain k-core (3-core), does a 4-core exist?

Question 3:[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Extend graph with strong and weak ties (with triadic closure applied), graph was G1 from exercise. Explain why

Is it possible to (strongly) balance the given network by adding missing types? Graph was from exercise. Explain why

Explain Girvan Newmann Algorithm and why it's important

Page rank, is there an equilibrium, if yes explain why and explain basic ranking concept

Question 4: Networks and their surrounding concepts[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

State and explain two properties of realistic large scale networks

Watts-Strogatz model, how is it built, what are the important traits?

Question 5:[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Cascading in a network with q=1/2, what three initial nodes can be chosen to cascade everything, is there more than one way to reach all nodes?

What clusters with density < 1/2 are there?

Is it possible to also do this with only two starting nodes?

Network wasn't in slides, looked something like this (nodes had numbers): Ring of 4 nodes in center c-f-g-h-c

For c, f and g of the ring a structure like given here for c was present a-b-c a-d-c a-e-c