TU Wien:Unternehmensgründung VO (Beetz)/Prüfung 6. Juni 2017

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Prüfung vom 6. Juni 2017[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

The test setup was identical to that of past years: Multiple-Choice Test (single-choice, only one answer right per question), no negative points for wrong answers. It was based on the "TUWEL offline test" template. The test was in English. There were 31 questions, 17 correct answers were necessary for a positive grade. There were between 2 and 6 answer possibilities per question. You had 60 minutes to complete the test, considering that all questions were multiple-choice, that was plenty of time.

The questions ranged from straightforward to rather convoluted ("what is never not a disadvantage..."). Basically all questions could be answered from learning the slides, there might be a handful where visiting the lectures for better explanations would help. Some of the patent/IP answer choices were rather specific and long-winded. The following questions are roughly written from memory (feel free to expand!):

  • What is the starting capital of a stock corporation (AG)?
  • Which is not part of the Business Model Canvas by Osterwalder (Key Partners, Value Proposition,...)?
  • To be successful with an innovation you have to have an invention (yes/no).
  • Calculate the break-even point based on fixed cost, price and variable cost given.
  • Which is not part of the "4 Ps" of the marketing mix (product, production, price, promotion)?
  • What is a main difference between equity capital and dept capital (rather specific answer choices, including something like "dept capital allows greater risk" and "equity capital gives more control")
  • What is informal risk capital (family and friends)?
  • What are the business development stages from a financial point of view (seed, startup, early growth, maturity)?
  • Which of these statements is from Josef Alois Schumpeter (combinatory activity)?
  • What is the Jack-of-all-trades theory (being a generalist)?
  • What is an "effectuation process"?
  • What is a key aspect of a disruptive technology (niche market)?
  • What is market volume (or potential)?
  • What is the advantage of an imperfectly imitable technology?
  • What is the advantage of Complementary Assets?
  • What is appropriability (how well can new innovations be protected)?
  • When you patent something in one country and want to also patent in another... ("it can be expanded to an international world patent within 6 months", "it has to patented in all countries where you want it",...)?
  • A unique trait of the Utility Model Law is that... (it has novelty grace period of 6 months)?
  • A trademark... ("can not be a 3D object", "average consumer must be capable of distinguishing a good or service"...)?
  • A reason for patents is (granting monopoly for R&D efforts)?
  • Which must not be commercially registered (Civil Law Partnership)?