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TU Wien:Virtual and Augmented Reality VO (Kaufmann)/Prüfung 2023-11-14

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1)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Definition AR Azuma
  2. Choose one field where VR is applied (Healthcare, teaching, gaming…) and find 2 examples where VR has a significant influence to improve it somehow with examples

2)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. The client has a room with dark walls, top & bottom for a VR environment where two users need to be tracked. He only has Meta Quests HMDs available – they use NFT as tracking technology. Somehow the tracking does not work correctly, and the client asks you for help.
    1. Why is the tracking not working as expected?
    2. What would you advise the client, which changes would you advise so that tracking would work? And describe how it works!
    3. Which other tracking technology could be used, describe it briefly!

3)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Describe Latency, Update Rate and Phase Lag
  2. What is inertial Tracking and how does it work?

4)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Explain what hardware components are needed for active stereo projection! How does it work
  2. Would you prefer passive stereo and if so, why?

5)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Which auto-stereoscopic display technologies exist?
  2. What problems can arise when using multiple graphic cards/displays? How do you address them?
  3. Describe briefly all components of a modern graphics pipeline

6)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. How does GPS work, what are the advantages and disadvantages and what is different to differential GPS?
  2. Name a haptic device and describe one possible application for it
  3. Name a locomotion device

7)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

Which autostereoscopic tracking technologies exist? (Annotation of editor: Unsure what "autostereoscopic" means in a tracking technology context – listed all available tracking technologies)

2nd edit – Mail from lecturer H. Kaufmann a few days post exam:

Dear students,

if you took the exam on November 14th you had a wrong question #7 about "autostereoscopic tracking technologies".

No autosterescopic tracking technologies exist. This question is an error on my side. I apologize for the confusion, I did not notice it until now. I wish somebody had asked during the exam.

The question will not count, will be removed from the exam and the total maximum points are now 35 instead of 38. (18 or more points are required for a positive grade).

Best Regards,

Hannes Kaufmann

8)[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten]

  1. Describe two methods to reduce Cybersickness!
  2. Describe two manipulation methods.
  3. Which parameters influence the effectiveness of manipulation techniques in VR? (improve/make it worse)