TU Wien:Visualisierung medizinischer Daten 2 VU (Raidou)/Quiz 2024

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Quiz 1

Quiz 2
5 (?) MC Questions, 1 point each

Quiz 3
1) Name 2 methods to reduce clutter in fiber tracking!
2) Definition of local AO?
3) Name 3 disadvantages of local AO!

Quiz 4
1) Explain stippling vs. hatching
2) Explain streamlines in contours
3) Name three types of contours!
4) Explain in 1-2 sentences what data physicalization is

Quiz 5


Quiz 6

Only T/F questions, correct answers are given in square brackets

1) Multiple Coordinated Views in visualization refer to...

[F] linked views that are always different from each other

[F] linked views that are not interactive

[F] isolated perspectives on the data

[F] the use of independent visualizations

2) In the context of data analysis, why is visual analytics considered crucial?

[F] To automate decision-making and eliminate the need for human intervention

[F] To replace traditional statistical methods with more modern techniques.
[F] To simplify data storage and retrieval processes.

[T] To leverage the human visual capabilities for insight generation.

3) In the context of focus and context visualization techniques, what does "focus" typically refer to?

[F] The user interface elements for interaction.

[T] The primary area of interest that is displayed in detail.

[F] The overall layout and aesthetics of the visualization.

[F] The background information and other details of the data.

4) Why is visual analytics commonly used in the medical context?

[F] To replace traditional diagnostic methods with more effective automated algorithms.

[F] To enhance the visual appeal of medical reports.

[F] To minimize the need for human intervention in the analysis of medical data.

[T] To leverage the human visual system for insight generation from complex medical datasets.

5) What is NOT considered visual analytics?

[F] A process that integrates interactive visualizations with analytical reasoning to gain insights from complex data.

[F] Leveraging the human visual system to support data exploration and decision-making.

[F] Employing charts and graphs to represent data with the use of interactive elements.

[T] Relying solely on automated algorithms to generate insights without human interaction.