Uni Wien:Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten VU (Böhm)/2023-11-30 Test

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  • Name three academic databases/search engines and shortly write its advantages (e.g., quality, access, ...).
  • Name the sections of a paper presentation and what they contain.
  • Name 8 out of 10 most important points why papers get rejected as discussed in the lecture.
  • Correct a bad figure.
  • Ideal procedure to publish a paper according to Keogh.
  • What is reproducability?
  • What is implicit non-reproducability?
  • What is explicit non-reproducability?
  • Explain "falsifiability".
  • Some true/false questions with one sentence reason. E.g.
    • If the solution is too simple, make it more complex in order to make it more scientific. (F)