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TU Wien:Statistik und Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie UE (Bura)/Übungen 2019W/12.4

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Bachelor’s theses

For each of the three progams (a: computer science, b: mathematics and c: physics) at a certain university five students that recently handed in their Bachelor’s thesis were asked for the number of pages (unified layout) of the thesis. The results were

computer sc. mathematics physics
51 62 76
49 59 51
57 48 70
49 74 80
66 60 88

Visualize the data and test the null hypothesis (on a 5%-level) that there is no difference in the mean lengths of the Bachelor’s theses between the three programs. Formulate a result.

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== Lösungsvorschlag von ~~~ ==

Siehe auch Hilfe:Formeln und Hilfe:Beispielseiten.